Weight Management

Dumfries House – Health & Wellbeing Centre

Complementary therapies include reflexology, acupuncture and hypnotherapy to help participants attain outcomes such as fertility wellbeing, menopausal health, living with cancer, chronic pain management, and a weight management programme to help support individuals diabetes and obesity.
01290 425959

Weigh to go Ayrshire

If you are struggling with a few extra pounds of weight and you realise that this is having an impact on your health and fitness it is time to act. Gentle advice and support of lifestyle changes that can help you manage your weight, improve your exercise and support a healthier life.
01563 575432

How to eat a healthy balanced diet

The Eatwell Guide outlines the recommendations for eating a healthy balanced diet. The guide shows the different types of foods and drinks you should consume – and in what proportions – every day or over a week.

12 Week Weight Management Programme

Welcome to our 12 week weight management programme. This programme has been designed for adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or above, who want to be a healthier weight. You shouldn't follow this programme if you're under 18 years of age, pregnant or in a healthy weight range.

Benefit from Activity

Exploring the benefits activity can have on medical conditions. Phys­i­cal inactiv­ity is the fourth biggest killer in the world. As little as 15 min­utes of reg­u­lar daily exer­cise is enough to make you live longer and have a better quality of life. Find out how, and what kinds of exercise are best for different conditions.


Change4Life aims to help your family be healthier and happier. Find out more about what’s really in the food your family eats.