Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP)
Katrina Szimaitis
Pg Dip Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Pg Dip Specialist Practitioner DN
Bsc (Hons) Health Studies
Dip Higher Ed (Distinction) Nursing
RGN, RHV, SPQ DN, Family Planning Cert
An ANP is a Registered Nurse with additional training for performing tasks such as diagnosing and prescribing which are customarily performed by a Doctor. A Registered Nurse is educated to Masters Level in Advanced Practice, and assessed as competent in practice using expert knowledge and skills. They have freedom to act and make their own decisions in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of those in their care and are capable of independent practice in a variety of settings. Their role will be tailored not only by their training but their clinical experience as Senior Practitioners. In General Practice, ANPs can consult and work independently but will consult medical colleagues when they need advice.
Practice Nurse
Sarah Ritchie
RGN, BA Master in Public Health, Dip Asthma Care, Dip Diabetes Care, Family Planning Certificate
Practice Nurses are fully trained in a wide range of skills including immunisations, health promotion, contraception and management of long-term conditions e.g. advise on diet and lifestyle choices, coronary heart disease, hypertension, asthma, diabetes, smoking cessation and obesity. Practice Nurses can extend their skills at Diploma Level and see many patients who previously would have seen the Doctor. The Nursing Team run various Nurse-led clinics for diabetes, asthma, coronary heart disease and COPD as well as providing general nursing services, dressings, removal of sutures and blood tests.
Community Treatment and Care Nurses (CTAC)
Lesley McGinney
BSc in Adult Nursing, PG Dip Integrated Community Nursing
Allison Calderwood
BSc in Adult Nursing
Lesley & Allison’s responsibilities include long term condition monitoring, blood taking, ECG’s, suture removal, wound management, injections, vaccinations, ear syringing, lifestyle advice and health promotion
All our nurses share responsibility for ongoing long term condition monitoring and management.
Healthcare Support Worker (including Phlebotomy)
Maryjane Brown
Healthcare Assistants are non-registered Nursing staff who assist in patient care and Practice related duties, as directed by and under the supervision of a Registered Healthcare Professional (including Lead Practice Nurse, Practice Manager and GPs). Healthcare Assistants work collaboratively with the General Practice Team to meet the needs of patients, and provide essential task-orientated services like taking blood samples (phlebotomy), blood pressure checks, processing specimens and performing ECGs (to measure heart function). They may act as a chaperone when a patient or doctor requests one. Healthcare Assistants play a crucial role in supporting the Clinical Team.
Maryjane is also unable to provide an interpretation of test results or give an indication as to why tests are being carried out. For queries of this nature, please consult your doctor or nurse or try the following on-line resource