Contact Telephone Numbers


Appointments (08:30 – 17:30)01560 482011
Repeat Prescriptions (10:00 – 12:00)01560 480193
Out to Hours/NHS 111111
Patient Transport – Scottish Ambulance Service (Patients can call this number to book an ambulance)0300 123 1236

Attached Staff

Podiatry01563 826361
District Nurse01563 826600
Health Visitor01560 486784
Maternity Day Care
(Once pregnancy confirmed call to book your appointment )
01563 825411
Maternity Unit 01563 521133
School Nurse 01563 545700


Crosshouse Hospital01563 521133
Ayr Hospital01292 610555
Ayrshire Central01294 274191
Ailsa Hospital01292 610556
Ayrshire Maternity Unit01563 825419
Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre 0141 301 7000
Carrick Glen Hospital 01292 428373
Gartnavel General Hospital0141 211 3000
Glasgow Golden Jubilee0141 951 5000
Glasgow Royal Infirmary 0141 211 4000
Kirklandside No longer available
New Victoria Infirmary 0141 201 6000
Ross Hall Hospital 0141 530 7348
Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow 0141 201 0000
The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital 0141 201 1100
North West Area Centre01563 578705
Emergency Dentist Advice01563 578664

Health Promotion

Fresh Air-shire smoking cessation0800 783 9132
Email: [email protected]
Bowel screening service0845 270 0030
SCCRS service (smears)Breast screening service0845 957 2700 or 01294 323 506/7
Sexual Health Ayrshire
(Arrange your own appointment or self-refer)
01294 323226
Speech Therapist (Children self-refer )01563 545725
Weigh to go Ayrshire01563 575432

Other Services

Ayrshire Council on Alcohol01563 541155
East Ayrshire Council 01563 554400
East Ayrshire Advocacy01563 574442
East Ayrshire addiction service01563 578770
East Ayrshire Women’s Aid01563 536001
Emergency Dental Service ( Monday – Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm)01563 578 664 
Funeral directorsclick here for list
Housing Department (Mon-Thu 9am-5pm, Fri 9am – 4pm)01563 555670
Lighthouse Foundation (drugs and alcohol support)01563 521343
Mental Health Crisis Team01563 578592
mPower (help and support for the over 65s)01292 559710
Northwest Kilmarnock Centre (for a one off course of dental treatment)01563 578663
Request an Interpreter (you can arrange this yourself)01292 269542
Podiatry – Check your appointment01563 826361
Referral management service – check your Hospital appointment01563 827070
Social Work Department01290 428372
Tenancy Support01563 554554
Turning Point Kilmarnock01563 574257
The Rape Counselling and Resource Centre Kilmarnock01563 541769

Ayrshire & Arran Health Board

You may obtain information about health services in this area by contacting the Board at:

Ayrshire and Arran Health Board
Ailsa Hospital
Dalmellington Road

Tel: 01292 513630