Appointments (08:30 – 17:30) | 01560 482011 |
Repeat Prescriptions (10:00 – 12:00) | 01560 480193 |
Out to Hours/NHS 111 | 111 | | |
Patient Transport – Scottish Ambulance Service (Patients can call this number to book an ambulance) | 0300 123 1236 |
Attached Staff
Podiatry | 01563 826361 |
District Nurse | 01563 826600 |
Health Visitor | 01560 486784 |
Maternity Day Care (Once pregnancy confirmed call to book your appointment ) | 01563 825411 |
Maternity Unit | 01563 521133 |
School Nurse | 01563 545700 |
Crosshouse Hospital | 01563 521133 |
Ayr Hospital | 01292 610555 |
Ayrshire Central | 01294 274191 |
Ailsa Hospital | 01292 610556 |
Ayrshire Maternity Unit | 01563 825419 |
Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre | 0141 301 7000 |
Carrick Glen Hospital | 01292 428373 |
Gartnavel General Hospital | 0141 211 3000 |
Glasgow Golden Jubilee | 0141 951 5000 |
Glasgow Royal Infirmary | 0141 211 4000 |
Kirklandside | No longer available |
New Victoria Infirmary | 0141 201 6000 |
Ross Hall Hospital | 0141 530 7348 |
Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow | 0141 201 0000 |
The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital | 0141 201 1100 |
North West Area Centre | 01563 578705 |
Emergency Dentist Advice | 01563 578664 |
Health Promotion
Fresh Air-shire smoking cessation | 0800 783 9132 |
Email: [email protected] | |
Bowel screening service | 0845 270 0030 |
SCCRS service (smears)Breast screening service | 0845 957 2700 or 01294 323 506/7 |
Sexual Health Ayrshire (Arrange your own appointment or self-refer) | 01294 323226 |
Speech Therapist (Children self-refer ) | 01563 545725 |
Weigh to go Ayrshire | 01563 575432 |
Other Services
Ayrshire Council on Alcohol | 01563 541155 |
East Ayrshire Council | 01563 554400 |
East Ayrshire Advocacy | 01563 574442 |
East Ayrshire addiction service | 01563 578770 |
East Ayrshire Women’s Aid | 01563 536001 |
Emergency Dental Service ( Monday – Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm) | 01563 578 664 |
Funeral directors | click here for list |
Housing Department (Mon-Thu 9am-5pm, Fri 9am – 4pm) | 01563 555670 |
Lighthouse Foundation (drugs and alcohol support) | 01563 521343 |
Mental Health Crisis Team | 01563 578592 |
mPower (help and support for the over 65s) | 01292 559710 |
Northwest Kilmarnock Centre (for a one off course of dental treatment) | 01563 578663 |
Request an Interpreter (you can arrange this yourself) | 01292 269542 |
Podiatry – Check your appointment | 01563 826361 |
Referral management service – check your Hospital appointment | 01563 827070 |
Social Work Department | 01290 428372 |
Tenancy Support | 01563 554554 |
Turning Point Kilmarnock | 01563 574257 |
The Rape Counselling and Resource Centre Kilmarnock | 01563 541769 |
Ayrshire & Arran Health Board
You may obtain information about health services in this area by contacting the Board at:
Ayrshire and Arran Health Board
Ailsa Hospital
Dalmellington Road
Tel: 01292 513630